Defense Industrial Base Policy
Ensuring that the defense industrial base can provide decisive advantages
Industrial Base Policy is the principal advisor to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
Developing Department of Defense policies for the maintenance of the United States defense industrial base
Executing small business programs and policy
Conducting geo-economic analysis and assessments
Providing recommendations on budget matters related to the defense industrial base
Anticipating and closing gaps in manufacturing capabilities for defense systems
Assessing impacts related to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures
Monitoring and assessing impact of foreign investments in the United States
Executing authorities under Sections 2501 and 2505 U.S.C. Title 10
Manufacturing, Capability Expansion, and Investment Prioritization Directorate (MCEIP) at the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition & Sustainment (OUSD A&S). MCEIP prioritizes and invests in industrial development and production critical for protecting national security. It is comprised of the DPA Title I, DPA Title III, and IBAS (dba ICAM) portfolios