Defense Industrial Base Consortium awarded to ATI

ATI was recently awarded the Defense Industrial Base Consortium OTA by the Manufacturing,Capability Expansion, and Investment Prioritization Directorate (MCEIP).  The DIBC will have a varied and evolving member base that provides for the execution of projects for purposes of strengthening the Defense Industrial Dase (DIB). The DIBC’s mission is to coalesce and award prototype projects to expand the DIB in support of MCEIP’s critical sectors and subsectors. MCEIP is focused on addressing defense supply chain issues, developing the industrial workforce, sustaining critical production, commercializing research and development efforts, and rapidly scaling emerging technologies to build a robust, resilient DIB.


The DIBC will develop and maintain expertise in the following critical DIB sectors and subsectors:

(1) Kinetic capabilities (i.e., hypersonics)

(2) Energy storage and batteries

(3) Castings and forgings

(4) Microelectronics.


The following DIB subsectors are also considered to be critical within MCEIP:

(5) Critical chemicals and minerals;

(6) Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS);

(7) Rare Earth Elements (REEs);

(8) Critical materials;

(9) Submarine industrial base;

(10) Space industrial base; and (

11) Biomanufacturing.


Industrial Base Policy IBR MCEIP